I have been having problems lately.
Such things as my brain feels weird.. almost tightened... like it's being squeezed and when I look at things in the night time I can't almost look at them because it feels so weird.
I've been feeling like I'm going to have a bad panic attack because I haven't had one in 3 weeks, but I'm getting anxious because I haven't had one. Anyone ever felt that?
I just needed to share that with you all.
I haven't been around in a while because I don't know how to think or feel. Starting this new business has been wildly crazy and I haven't had much time for HW... but I'm feeling so odd lately that I don't know what to do.
I feel panicky most mornings.. and then it subsides... and I hadn't even taken my meds even when it subsides...I feel a supressed rage... specifically towards men (no offense to the men here) but they have done nothing but hurt me...
I feel alone.
I feel dark and afraid of what may come.
I feel as though I'm venturing out on my own and don't know who to trust.
I'm sorry I haven't been here.
I just don't know what to do.
I'm not exactly panicky, but I'm anxious. I'm scared. I almost had a panic attack today because I forgot my pills but turned around and went and got them so I would feel safe.
I wonder if I should quit my Lexapro... but then I don't think I should because I feel remotely like myself again.
I'm scared.