Hey there Normal
I'm not planning anything at the mo , but I know one day I will need to fly as Stu and I have talked about where we would like to visit when Saf's older.
He takes everything in his stride so I haven't mentioned that the thought of flying scares the cr4p out of me , and the thought of having a PA infront of of ppl......don't even go there.
I'm not on any meds , but I think I would ask the doc for something for flying. I know it's prolly mostly anticipatory but it doesn't make it any easier.
What was it like getting to the bathroom - personal Q but this is one of my main concerns after the PAing on everyone. I know when I'm on a train I'm always worried I'm gonna fall on somebody on the way there cos of the trains motion.
Thanks for all the info on the earlier post , I like planning - it totally helps.