TWIGGY yeah tongue I believe with all my heart n soul Twiggy is gonna do it this time she is strong and she can win ,......if and thats only if ya falter hun ( and we all have ) do not be ASHAMED.........come right here and let us help you out we wont give up on you if you dont give up okay
THIS I promise from my heart ........Cowgirl Up .....and I know Cowboy Up feels same do all your great friends and supporters on here
CHELLE .........Here is to hoping you did the right thing last night dealt with the disapointment and we all know there would have been some and now have looked into the future and saw it CA N WILL only get better
You have the best of the best here guiding you and supporting you loving you no matter what NO JUDGEMENTS ever from anyone .......all have done something simuliar or near in their lives I know I can stp up and say I have done the wrong thing many times .........
YOU ARE ALWAYS LEARNING .............NO matter the age yeah
Seeing all the new ppl on here and seeing all the little steps and big steps they have taken in their recovery seeing and hearing the laughter in their posts ......... tongue .
Knowing they can come to any of us with anything and we will do out darndest to help and we will always support no matter what .............if we humanly are able
tongue I do so appreciate all of you and today on Valentines Day I just wanna say a piece of each and everyone of you are in my heart and always will be...........................
Lets keep this LIL family going and supporting the way we are it is comforting to be able to come here about
anything/everything with no worries at all only support caring empathy and love for our fellow man / woman
LIVE .LAUGH n LOVE ........SUPPORT always and you will never be forgotten for doing so ........
So Endeth the Lesson
A Big Ole Happy Valentines to All
open Your hearts
Feel what others feel
show you care as always and be
open to their problems
As they are to yours
It will be returned ten fold ...........
I am honored to know you and be a part of each of your lives all ...............heart to heart........