Well that's why I'm concerned because even though I've had them in the past, these have lasted straight through since yesterday afternoon and seem to more prolific. Still just the left eye but very annoying. I used to get them alot when I had indigestion and never paid them any mind. But this time they are darker colored instead of just clear tubular-like floaters and nothing seems to clear them - like I said before, like someone blew cigarette smoke in front of your eye - sometimes when I'm in a dark enough room I don't notice them as much but they're there. I worry about
blood pressure - I have high BP but am on a low dose of Toprol - wondering if I really should be on a higher dose after a year. If I can land this job (should hear today or early next week) and can make it a month til insurance kicks in, I WILL bite the bullet and go to the doc, as BP scares me to death.....it always spikes like crazy when I go though, as my "whitecoat" syndrome kicks in. If I can just keep from having a stroke before then (not a funny joke). Also I experienced something yesterday that I've only had twice before in my life - once about
twenty-five years ago and then again about
ten.....I can see what I would call like a shiny alumnum foil like crack glinting in my eye when I look to the left....almost as if something has scratched my cornea or something and it's refracting the light in a weird way. Now top THAT one will you! I'm not panicking too much because I did experience it before and it went away - but it still freaks me out to a degree. What doesn't.