Well, that's the interesting part. I was on Celexa which helped me to cope with life's hardships but it also seemed to up my level of anxiety. When I was feeling like I was coping better with things, I stopped taking them. I suppose I should be back on them now with everything that's going on but, in reality, I have to opt for paying for my BP pills which I really need and I just can't seem to afford anything else right now.....another reason why I really want to get this new job and associated insurance benefits.
Speaking of the eye problem - these floaters are particularly noticeable when I'm looking at the computer like now, or at a white surface - even just daylight....a darker room makes them less noticeable...and they definitely seem worse the minute I'm stressed....my landlord stopped by yesterday looking for money and my eyes went nuts. I suppose I could acutally have some serious eye condition after wearing these cheapo drug store glasses for so long but once again,, can't check it out til I get that insurance....I can barely pay rent/food never mind extras like meds and docs. (hey, just heard from a co-worker who went to the opthamologist Friday for the same problem - apparently there's a name for this condition which she can't remember but doc said it wasn't serious - just part of the aging process - something like blood pushing on the back of your eye and making sortof a "crease" in the eye and that's what you're seeing - so anyway, made me feel alot better - was sure I was going blind).
I do try and tell myself some positive things when I start getting down - I know in my heart that alot of people couldn't do half of what I do and have done all my life - but it's hard sometimes - just hafta keep talking to yourself I guess....maybe some day we'll believe the pep talks we give ourselves.