I started with the same feelings as you have when I was about
18 - I'm 59 now and haven't gone insane yet (although some people might argue that - ha). I had the exact same worries about
being permanently hospitalized and thought I heard voices too - but they were just thoughts that I magnified. If you really were psychotic you wouldn't be questioning the voices - you'd be believing what they told you. But I'm not trying to make light of your fear - I remember it being one of the scariest times in my life - for at that time I didn't realize it was all anxiety related - just thought I was going insane too. Believe me, you're NOT - you're just one of millions of us who suffer with this horrible disease of anxiety/depression. Are you taking anything for it? It will get better trust me - I never thought it would and it has, and it's come back at times and gone away for years at a time. But the more you educate yourself about
what you're going through - the better you'll be able to deal with it if and when it returns again. Good luck!