Well, it wasn't bad, not at all. It took just over an hour, and the lady I met with, Tara, was amazing. She was very nice. WE just talked about
all the issues I am having, and she made me feel very comfortable, and safe, even. So, I meet with my new PDOC on November 1st at 2 pm. Her name is Robyn. I look forward to meeting with her.
Tara...the lady I met with today, informed me of all the assistance this place is able to give me, being that I am still uninsured...ugh. There is a program to help me pay for my meds, since they are pretty expensive...thanks to the Lexapro. And, for the first time in a while, I am feeling totally confident that I am on the road to real help!
So, I wanted to check in and let you know all is well for today, and that I am looking forward to meeting with my new PDOC on November 1st. Hopefully I will get some issues fixed then!!!
Thanks all for listening, and thanks for the support.
Oh, the intake specialist asked me if I talk to anyona about my issues...I told her I talk to John, and my healingwell family!!!!