Good idea i should start to write my own journal to see what i could agree with my digestion or not....
I didnt said that food affects thyroid but i know some shouldnt eat like cabbage, beets, other i dont remember... i lose easy without diaharra or sick in stomach...
i learn that south beach diet is bad for crohn's disease because I cant have high fiber and lots water to make u diaharra.. I could diet limit two weeks but no more i did tried and did worked but i...
that s for only thyroid.. look what i have crohn's disease, hypothryroidism, fatty liver and acid reflux.. it is not funny.. what of kind diet safe for all four above....
[color=purple> i got my hypothroidism from i got pregnat of my old daughter. I took the syntroid pills for 28 yrs. I have crohn's disease longtime more than 36 yrs or long . Right now i took the...
i am very frustrate with my osteoarthritis because i cant take any arhtitic medecine because of i have crohn's disease. i did took prednisone 100 mg to 0 for 7 months but gained 60 pounds because my...