I know I have had quite a few, They talk about[b] kinds of drugs that are carcinagenics but is it the drugs or the 30 X-RAYS we just had that cause it? [color=#0000ff>What] ...
G'day from the Reverend, I find that I need a little more than just the main drugs. When I was on the TNF blockers I still had to take extra pain releif I started on Brufen then went to panadiene...
G'day I have been going through early menopause since I was 31 my doctor said it is rare but because i had a emergency cesarian with our only child when i was 19 got a infection in the cut which was...
Hi I'm new here from down under I have had 3 strokes in the last 3 years and I am only 37 my first stroke was pretty bad when I was 34 loss of strenth in left side and slurred speach had a bleed in...