I'm on the same boat! Lucky for me a friend found this clinic that charges people according to their income. The one I go to is called miami beach health center. I suppose it's founded by city or...
I was reading and found that mtx sometimes works better when combined with other medication like enbrel, imuran, cytoxan. Maybe your doctor can add one of these and lower the dosage you take. Maybe...
I was reading some of your posts, and I've read online thay some of the medication for RA causes loss of calcium as one of the side effects which causes osteoporosis, I imagine it degrades your teeth...
TayIsa, there is no shame about feeling sad or angry about how you feel, so don't feel guilty about it. Good job on not pouring out your anger on that co-worker of yours. I got the same response from...
lately i've been feeling down, i am grateful i found this forum full of wonderful examples of people that live with RA. when i talk to others, they don't understand they try to relate but it is not...
Hello, I'm a 22 year old female. I was diagnosed with RA back in FEB 2011. It started with a mild pain in my right hand index finger. Which quickly turned into severe pain on all of joints. At the...
Hello, I'm a 22 year old female recently diagnosed with RA, currently on Enbrel, celebrex & some vitamins. I thought it was just me, being sensitive when people would say any of those things =-)...