Hi Peggy! I have wrote to you before. My daughter took prednisone for a year. She was weaned off of it but she had gained so much weight and her face was so round and got pretty big too. People she...
Please research The benefits of Turmeric! It's a very good anti inflammation agent!...
I have RA! My blood pressure spiked for being stressed out all the time. My GP put me on low dose blood pressure meds Lisinopril. Well I read no this medication and not only does it lower my blood...
Hi guys thank you ALL for the great support and encouragement...I want to say I'm still a chicken about taking my plaquenil On June 9 th I was at work (custodian for 11 years now) and j pjcked up a...
Psbg Peggy you have me crying with laughing your sense of humor is so appreciated! My daughter took prednisone for 6 month and of course she came off of it slowly but she gain a lot of weight but...
Sjkly Thank you so much for your reply I can't tell you how much this forum supports all my fears and questions I really am grateful for the experience you have shared with me! I am hopeful I will...
Horsegirl93 Thanks for sharing I am so happy to know that Hydroxycloroquine is working! So reasuring to know, I read it does wonders for some and my rheumy said he has other patients on it for some...
Hi psbg Peggy how is the Rituxin treating you? I pray its gjving you the relief you deserve! Thank yo for your reply and the words of encouragment I have yet to start my Hydroxycloroquine! But j have...
BadDay I'm so sorry about what happened to you. I can't imagine how you got thru it and still have the spirit to help others with that experience! You are very strong and courageous. Thank you for...
Hi everyone I have rheumatoid arthritis and have had flares that make me crazy with pain! I was diagnosed 4 years ago! My doc said I could benefit from Hydroxychloroquine, my doctor knows that I'm...