finished oxygen treat. about 2 1/2 weeks ago. so far alls good. need to go on xeljanz for my rhem. otheritis. but lable says that you can bleed, anybody try this medication yet and where there any...
I'v been in pain for a long time too... same as you arms,legs, shoulders, feet forearms, everything. use to go for treatment in hospital every 2 month ( I V ) but co pay went up to 260.00 per visit...
hello forum, having a little of a hard time posting to forum.. sorry...anyway I finished my oxygen trentments about 2 1/2 weeks ago went for 60 .. so far so goods with the bleeding from my bladder....
.................................. good luck.... good to here from someone who knows what it's like...... uplifting spirits. will keep in touch tks. tony *****halfway through my second set of 20...
tony again, I had my bladder cauterized afew times to stop bleeding also/.............................. tony b....
....................................... having same problem had my prostate removed in 2006 ... bleeding & clots come and go every few years.... right now i'm going through hyperbaric oxygen...
Hello forum my name is Anthony and am new to the forum as of , well right now 2?21/2016................I went through prostate cancer in 2006 robotic surgery... after afew years I had blood and blood...