Ducky, Sorry you're still not well. When you are like this, especially for too long a stretch, do you feel as I do: In an anxiety dream, where you have not only missed the bus, but you're back in...
CaMama, Erin, I,too, have been in bad shape this past week. I started to get worse about three weeks ago, with many days of rain....I am so miserable that I haven't been able to write--I don't want...
Erin, Missie, CaMama, Duckie, A website where one of my poems appears. You'll know me better--is that a good excuse for leading you there? I want you to know me....
CaMama, I am crying as I write this. I went back over your letter to me, from 2/10; how you hit me! You're absolutely right. I am fighting the wrong fight. Yes, the depression is unbearable again....
Thank you, Missie and CaMama for writing. I have been looking for air in a vacuum. The medical system is not what patients need it to be. Missie, I am sorry for your pains and "rage," how else can I...
Erin, thank you for starting a new post. Good title, good thread. I see that we are all grapefruit-sized balls of rubber bands. I don't know about you and CaMama and Ducky, but I've been wrapping...
P.S. The two characters in WAITING FOR GODOT are Pozzo and Lucky, master and slave. I know who I am--and, yes, I'm gluing myself to that role as I write. I know. As Yeats, wrote, "I'd be ignorant as...
Erin, I am humbled by our correspondence. You have gone, and continue to go, through more than most teens-through-adults can bear, no less face up to as you have. Your day will come, Erin. And as I...
CaMama and Erin, What a nightmare today, symptons same as you've described, Erin. This is the worst day I've had since my odyssey began with p/a, spondylitis, tendinitis, and I don't remember the...
Erin, CaMama, Ducky, Sorry for not writing and for this short not--I'm trying to get to work. I put in a full day yesterday; the 87-mile drive riveted my lower disks to my knees--feels as though...
Erin, You had a bad night a day or two ago. Are you better. I wish it so. Do you know these words of L. Cohen's? "Oh, where, where, where is my Gypsy wife tonight. Andd I've heard all the wild...
CaMama, I'm so grateful for you reply. Unfortunately, I am in the undertow again. The emotional pain and stress you describe is flawless--and it's exactly where I am now. I feel like a paper lunch...
Hey, jay4 and straydog. How are you doing? I've been flipped from tails to heads: I'm Jack of Hearts. Erin did it....
P.S. Don't get worried, but I feel like letting go. There was a time when our country was working toward compassion for the sick and oppressed. Why can't a person call for "time out" in life, our...
/community/emoticons/redface.gif Ducky and Erin, I truly feel welcomed. You have my e-mail now, so, if I'm hung up in one of my dark closets for who knows how long, sometimes, you can reach me for...
Oh, man. "Hack of hearts!" That's a rubric cube. Truly, my legs are taffy over writing that. Hell! Jack of Hearts My e-mail is [email protected]...
P.S. Ducky, I see you're online. Is your flare worse? I wish I had a salve to soothe you. Let me know. Paula just said that I've put in a full day here (Took me an hour to write the foregoing post.)...
/community/emoticons/scool.gif Ducky, Erin, your love is warm. Thank you. Erin, thank you for your post. You know, I have changed: "Jack of Hearts" is who I am now. If I change my name to it, you...
/community/emoticons/scool.gif Ducky, you are kinder than kind. I still owe you some answers and thanks to this thread, I'm ready to ask and to hear some sound advice and knowledge about everyone's...
/community/emoticons/eyes.gif punky, this is Black Jack. I've found some wonderful friends/healers on the remicade site. I am fifty-two and psoriatic arthritis, ankylosis spondylitis, tendontis, ad...
/community/emoticons/eyes.gif Ducky and bunch, Thank you for posting. I don't feel abandoned now. What a baby I am now? I will post tomorrow and answer some of your questions, Ducky. bunch, thanks...
/community/emoticons/mad.gif Hello everyone, I posted last night, and I don't see any replys. Am I in the right place? Well, I know the answer to that one: When have I ever been? CaMama, thank you...
Hello, my friends. Erin, I didn't thank you in my last post. I want to apologize to all of you for being a bad correspondent. I am just "dazed and confused." Tonight I turned up Leonard Cohen's cd...
Ducky, Erin, straydog, jay4--I've been feeling terrible about not writing back. I never expected to find such good people. (I hope I haven't missed anyone here.) WOW! I'm in need of sincere people...
Dear Ducky, My wife just sentenced me to this site: no insult intended. My point is I had a discussion with a relative who was taking Enbrel and she was all over the board--to not having p/a; to...