anyone taking cyclosporine for pa. im on 300mg a day which makes me very tired and naseous, plus ive been on it since july 06 and seen no difference. im allergic to all other dmards and this is my...
Has anyone tried cyclosporyn a for psoriatic arthritis? I tried remecade, humara, embrel arava, sulfasalazine, mtx. Inj. And I am allergic to all of them. My rheumy put me on cyclosporyn a. Starting...
is anyone out there taking methadone for their chronic pain i was wondering because you hear a lot of negativity onthe drug but it is helping with severe pain. thanks debbie...
i was diagnosed 8 yrs. ago after many diagnosis they finally came up with psoratric arthritis/fibromyalgia, im seronegative which also makes things difficult and ana negaative for lupus. my question...