Well... I'm not sure about . Yr case only by listening sounds rather complex. You PROBABLY have classic form of postular psoriasis said based only on listening yr explaination. Those form i...
Hey iloveschnuazers, PS is usually a diagnosis which is masured for a long time. It's a chronic disease. Have you had psoriasis before in yr life? Palmo-plantar postular psoriasis (PPP) or otherwise...
Yes Iris, Pain all over the body is a clinical characteristic for AS. Hips, ribs, ankles.. sholders are commonly affected. Sacrolitis (inflamation of the sacral joints) is a very distinctive...
I got seronegative spondyloarthropaty so i've read much for these type of diseases and i know plenty. AS is a 'final diagnosis' part of the seronegative spondyloarthropaties group of arthritis....
There is prety much [u]official [/b] diagnosis which is called - 'arthritis associated with IBD' many calls it 'Crohn's arthritis'. So you don't necessarry mean to have RA.... of course you may have...
Hi there, I've been on sulfasalazine (local name Salazopyrine) for 1 month. I've developed sever neurodermitis on my neck, and my WBC droped very low, so the doc told me to stop it instantly....
omfg, taking abx for such a long time can cause you GI problems. They kill everything. It's not safe. That protocol. I reject!...
Wow Raoul, It seems like we do really share quite same path. Especially reading this about tha Natrexone /community/emoticons/yeah.gif I've been reading it too. Yes it's alternative approach. I...
You point to very important question. Reactie arthritis. What is reactive arthritis? Most of the rheumatologist put diagnosis of reactive arthritis (ReA) when 5 condition are present. 1. 100% proven...
Well it definately sound like a reaction to something. When I was taking sulfasalazine for 3 weeks I developed very ithcy red scaly, horrible looking patches on my neck, the doc called it classic...
bleeding profile ? ? ? , does it mean yr blood clot is affected?...
Unoftunately i don't know the exact answer of that question, and I may guess that only doctors may know it for sure. But I may add, that the erosion in OA causes inflamation, and for RA is the...
Awwwww Cr.P !!!!! Autoimmune disease on first sight with no examination......................................................... run awaaaaay ! Find a new doc. The prednisone is always working...
No Iris, you're wrong. I've read so much stories about 'stupid' docs in the US too, I've heard about from my friends been in the US. Even more, look there was a case on this forum with a man on my...
lols... no comment...
I have fatigue when I run fever. have you measured it durring the day when you feel fatigued? Fatigue is abs logically explained when you run low-grade fever constantly ....
Harley;), All of us are having hard times beleiving their diagnosis because it is changing over time and when we feel better we may "hope for cure". RA is rheumatic disease and like for all of them...
hi Marius I was to infect. disease dr. today was a crap a stupid darn idiot i lost money and time, he didnt know about[b] infect disease for GI telling me that for virus doesnt exist any medication...
Dear PiaSalva, If some1 has told me that I have crohn's disease, or psoriatic arthritis or if you want even rheumatoid arthritis or lupus it will be a new starting point (or maybe ending point.....
Hello costasI had gastro-intestinal problems. I'm not diagnosed with Crohn disease but I had symptoms very similar to crohn (excluding diarrhea and bleeding). There was times before, when I was...
Iris, there are thousands of different forms of bugs in your guts. There are thousands of different forms of bugs in the guts of any person. Startin from streptococcus, staphilococcus, klebsiella,...
Yes of course. One of the 'official' types of arthritis is exactly the 'arthritis associated with IBD'. Sorry that it's me again answering you, but I'm pretty certain about the correct answer of your...
While arthritis associated with IBD is often mild and migratory without swelling of joints for some people it may pass a severe course with severe inflamation. I would advice you to make more...
Some people are not about to laugh here may be /community/emoticons/sad.gif Hey Iris, If you prevent your self from laughing because you may think that your life has finished or being afraid of...
;)) Nope yalinda, I ment we have a saying around here, says: 'anything has its definite time to happen'. I don't know if it is international..but when you think on it it is totaly correct, because...
Hey yalinda, Thank you for this wonderfull ideia. I am totaly amazed what a job offers could a person with impairment compete for. Assistant Manager ,Marketing Representative, even Hotel General...
Got ya;) I became too wondered about -17 and Italy but however I decided that it could be possible. Yes it could be possible for nortern Italy, but not for november. Well, talking about Finland -17C...
Good moanin' all, Last evening I had fever and I think I passed the flu now. Took aspirin, drunk tea and this moaning I am feeling great again /community/emoticons/smile.gif This weekend I was on...
Iris, You sound so emotional. You almost made me cry. /community/emoticons/sad.gif /community/emoticons/sad.gif /community/emoticons/sad.gif . Dear Iris I passed all the way you do pass now. May be...
Yes Iris it is possible your disease not being inflamatory and the docs digging on wrong place now. Except for the bloodworks there are other signs that demonstrate inflamatory disease: Have you...
hmm.. have you checked your bone density recently? about the UTIs have you made urine microbiological analysis recently, how soon? I did not understand about the teeth pockets, what are they caused...
hi Marius thank u for replay im so scared i dont know what i have if i have RA i will be terrible are italian? even the dentist dont know if teeth pockets cause arthritis. i thought i have Re like u...
Hmm.. teeth pockets ...probably.. It is a local infection, especially if it persists for long. What the dentists say about that, shouldn't they fixed them already?...
hi erin im new on this board i like u r so smart . i dont have any dx i have affected all my jonts all tests are negative . im so depressed . how u can explain i have all symptoms as RA but all...
CaMama, that definitely makes sense;)))) Problem is that I'd have to walk alone.... I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known, don't know where it goes, but it's home to me and I...
I no longer regularly participate in these forums. But, I was recently diagnosed with "reactive arthritis" (ReA) and therefore searched the forums for that term. Doing so turned up this somewhat...
Hello 2 all. I am doing well at all. I take only herbs now, today I've started to take also glucosamine for joints support. My doc says it will help my knee joint recover from the constant...
Hello Jan, As Erin said these kind of meds side effects are usually mild, so as a consequence both are possible. You may have arthritis or you may have drug induced arhtralgia. Depends on how severe...
about my kidney pain: the docs says that it's a part of my reiter's syndrome symptoms, I have some slight urogenital and abdomen symptoms in addition to the joints and eyes.There is no certain blood...
Hello Angie, Sorry for your health problems recent months. Relax it's not the end. For any disease there is an anti-disease - respectively "cure". Yes Angie mantioned by you symptoms sounds...
Yes Erin, You are right. I did express an opinion too unclear. I ment that the prescript ion of the biologics on possible wrong diagnosis, that is a definately a crime. Imagine undiagnosed lyme...
Hello PiaSava, I'm in the same situation like you, waiting for my disease for development to get a proper diagnosis. You may guess reiter's (reactive arthritis) is not an "earnest" diagnosis for a...
judy, I hope you get better as much as you have no pain and psoriasis AT ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep in touch.........
Hello chewy, I was diagnosed with reiter's syndrome. I should warn you that reiter's is an autoimmune disease that is very unpredictable. I spent months convincing people that Reiter's "is primary...
The following post once again makes me think that the docs dose not do their work as they used to do. Arthrit"is" means INFLAMATION of "a/-" JOINT"s". There are several different types of...
Yalinda, I heard on the TV in western NY state, there's been a lot of snow now, it's supprisin, middle of october - snow storm, however, I hope you manage with it;). Here's been a lot of rain but...
steelchick, How all this started in 2000? I mean, my "on duty" question is, what infections you have been checked for (example, lyme disease, hiv) ? Did they make you enough extensive infections...
Thanx yalinda, Now is the time that something have to motivate me, because I started to excess with alcohol last 3-4 days, because I felt better. It's not good for the immune system - alcohol...
Hello to all, It's me again. I posted some topics on this forum saying that I suffer from reiter's syndrome, a form of reactive arthritis. I would like to update the info on my condition. Last 3-4...