Yes, she did ask Red - but they said no, since she doesnt have a medical background. But that seems to make no sense to us because she was trained on the Epi Pen which is just for those emergency...
Posting for a friend ~ Her son is 7 years old and has all sorts of allergies for which he takes weekly injections of serum to inhibit the allergies (I'm guessing on how to phrase this) - she said the...
Beth ...
Hello! I was wondering what your dr finally did for you, and how you finally convinced him to script[b] you for the biologics? My rheumy appt isn't until July so I have some time to build up my file...
That would be Generalized Anxiety Disorder I believe, or GAD for short. I think, Twarrior, that almost the entire population has "moments" of anxiety or butterflies maybe to a lesser degree, at some...
[color=green>Hi] [i][color=#008000>I] [i][color=#008000>Glad] [i][color=#008000>Hugs,] Bethie [/i]...
[b] 5 months or so, I began getting these jittery off of that abruptly...switched onto Zoloft....same thing...jitters every night...I hated it! It was absolutely miserable....
[i][color=purple>Thank] [b][i] [i][color=#800080>Hugs] [b][i]Beth [i] [/b]...
[color=purple>Dear] [b][color=#800080>That] [b][color=#800080>Glad] [b][color=#800080>Hugs,
Erin, I'm sorry to ask this and don't know if it is quite appropriate for the board, but I was wondering something...would you mind if I emailed you personally about it? It is in regards to...
Hi Rallen, I think the rules state that you are allowed to discuss what you're taking and how it is working for you. However, if you are here for the sole purpose of "Selling" a product or even...
I] my own symptoms. I have never exerpienced them before, they are burning hot to touch knees that ache so bad I want to scream, fingers that are pretty much frozen stiff in a curled up position...
Eve, I saw a Dr. Edger Potter a few times just before moving from DC to Oklahoma last year. He was very compassionate and was ready to place me on meds such as Enbrel. I was so excited, but ended up...
Dear Bloo ~ Just wanted to write you quickly and say "I too feel your pain". I've begun to have severe swelling in my joints (fingers, knees, ribcage, feet, and lower back) that is unusual and a new...
Yep, same spot for me as well. Mine tends to swell much more towards the outer parts of the upper ribs (like towards the heart and the armpit area) l ARMPIT! Anyway, I'm feeling goofy, it's...
Dear Sarah ~ Every single word in your post could very well have been written by me! Incredible! YES! It causes redness and swelling that is visible and felt on palpation, that is the very...
Hello Erin~ I remember you too from when I was part of the boards a few years ago! I hope this finds you well and doing okay, despite your pain!! Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. I...
Why am I having this guys? I am one of those left out in oblivion as far as a diagnosis RF never has come back positive, only my Sed Rate (inflammation marker)...and my ANA's keep going up...
Thank you Curly and Ducky, I got to feeling a little better and then boom, my period started! *Sorry for the graphic-ness of that! Could there be some 'grander' connection between hormones and our...
Thank you Flopsie, and your family is in my prayers right now as well. I have read up on the posts here about your precious grandson and I will not stop praying until we hear good news ok? Stay...
once an hour. [color=#ff0000> [color=#ff0000> [color=#ff0000> [color=#ff0000> [color=#ff0000> Beth...
Dear big Daddy, my heart breaks for your heartache. I can see that you're ONLY concern is for her. You DO love her dearly or you wouldn't be here. I think (and I'm NOT a doctor) and I'm gonna say...
Dear Momo, that is WONDERFUL news that your Rheumy cares so much! I'm so happy for you. And SO happy to hear how well you're coping! Please stick close to the boards and we'll help support you...
20 weeds from 2 beds and paid dearly for 2 hrs afterwards! Glad again that you're ok and hope to still see you round the boards! And thank you for posting your encouraging update! ...
Hi Momo-just wanted to interject here my 2cents for what it's rheumy let me know that for onset RA, your labwork and other workup can come back negative for the first 3 years or a little...
Hey there Robert........SO glad to hear you're going to give Paxil a try. Many many years ago.well, okay 1995 was when my first major episode of depression hit me. I was placed on Prozac (the #1...
My advice to you would be to simply call your pharmacist and ask he/she which of [b]the SSRI class of antidepressants does NOT have arrythmia as a side effect . This should alleviate any of your...
Hopeful honey, have you ever thought about maybe trying out some counseling for Substance Abuse? It may help you to get over your craving for pot and to sort things out. It sounds like that is...
Hi Dan, welcome to healing well. I am Beth, a moderator from the fibromyalgia board. Just saw your post and thought I'd pipe in my 2cents. /community/emoticons/tongue.gif Headaches would not cause or...
This caught my eye and I just wanted to let you know that on the Fibromyalgia board (really not trying to steal your member!!! lol) there is a great thread about Costo. I have it and have gleemed a...
I just had to reply to your post one more time. I live in the US and have a neighbor by the name of Helen, who is also a very good friend of mine. And get this, her last name starts with the letter...
Hi. I'm Beth from the fms and arthritis boards, I have IBS and GERD as well as an ulcer. I wanted to share with you that it takes time for your GERD to heal and get under control, so in a few months,...