fstori I'm sorry you have Frozen shoulder - it really is the most awful pain. I got it in both shoulders after tripping and falling thru a glass door (very few cuts but wrecked the shoulders!). I...
wearyRAsufferer - I am over them telling me I can't drink... I enjoy it and as far as I can tell,. there is no clear evidence that drinkers on mtx suffer more liver damage than non drinkers on mtx. I...
Hi I've just joined the forum I'm not very familiar with 'chatting' on line. I' ve had RA for about 15 years. Tried all sorts of meds, Plaquenil, salazopirin, mxt, gold injections (can't remember the...
Hello everyone This is my first post ever! I stumbled across the forum looking for answers to my new pain (between the shoulder blades). But in regard to pain relief has anyone tried Lyrica?...