Thanks deb in indiana. Am a bit hesitant, but pain is getting much worse and becoming more and more difficult to move around. Already, I am much more limited than I would like to be. Will be praying...
/community/emoticons/rolleyes.gif Am considering an epidural. Constant pain in lumbar area due to spinal stenosis. Now, experienceing tingling and numbness in both legs and feet if I stand for over...
Have a sister that is bipolar. Help in her care constantly. She has been hospitalized at leat 7 times so far this year. She is under care of a psychiatrist and an internist. Has medical problems that...
Hi leeloo67, am trying to decide whether to start enbrel, humira or remicade. Right now, I am physical therapy and feeling some minore relief. I have RA/Osteo and spinal stenosis. Diagnosed about 4...
Just began the drug arthotec today. Pain from bursitis in the hips and spinal stenosis in lower back is excruciating. Try not to complain too much to my family and friends, as I know they can not...
Younger sibling is BiPolar, and an older sibling schizophrenic. Anyone experience similar problems? Are you victim of the lifelong dysfunction this causes in a family?...
Hello Theresa, Sorry you are not well right now. Know how difficult to have to continue working with the terrible joint pain, etc. Am retired now, but worked for a couple of years before I could get...
DX: RA 5 years and RA/Osteo 1 year Considering asking my doc to write a script for physical therapy. Just wondered if any of you with this condition take physical therapy or some other form of...
Hello Stanleyipkiss, I have been on prednisone 5mg. daily for about 5 years now. At times, maybe 3 so far, I have taken increased doses of it for 7 days at a time. Aware of the possible side effects....
Hello no2hud Have RA and on Methotrexate for 5 years now. Have had ulcer on roof of my mouth once and one inside my cheek once when out of Folic Acid. However, soon as I go back on the Folic Acid,...
Hello nanmac, Am on plaquenil like you for RA/Osteo. Have been for approximately 3 years now. I visit an MD eye doctor every six months or my rheumy will not refill my plaquenil prescription. From...
Hi bamabelle214, DX RA/Osteo about 5 years now. On methotrexate, plaquenil, prednisone, etc. Considering adding either enbrel or humera. Have a close friend on Remicade. She has been on it for 2 or 3...
Hi ninny5, Have been on methotrexate for about 5 years now. When first on the drug, experience diarhea and some slight stomach discomfort for the first few months on the day I took the drug. (take it...
Hello mtm, I am a new member of the forum too. Have been on methotrexate, prednisone and plaquenil, etc. for about 5 years now. Guess it depends on where your priorities are. I experienced much more...
Good morning Curley, Want to say thank you for your response to my thread. Nice to know that someone on Humera is experiencing help with little problem. Only received your reply, so far, but looking...
Hi Lisa, On methotrexate and have been for about 5 years now. DX RA/Osteo. Although my doc tried a battery of different combinations of drugs for me, the methotrexate was never dc and I really...
Hello babyloo, Yes, does seem that when you get a diagnosis you stay at doctors' offices. Been there. Still there. Have RA and Osteo. My sister has had IBD for years. Don't know if you have been...
Hi Scottl970, I have RA and suffer constantly with all over, but especially my feet. Don't know if this will help you. I wear open back shoes with at least 1 to 1 1/2 inch heals. My foot doc...
Hi Raggedroy: Yes, I agree with most others who have replied. Take a blood test. Sed rate is important to know, but many other factors play a part. Earlier you are diagnosed properly, better off you...
Hello billo, Don't know what is usual for onset of RA. For me, it hit me like a ton of bricks about 5 years ago. Felt feverish and achy before a trip to Las Vegas. In Vegas (my first time) continued...
Hi Ducky, Wish you well. Read some of your posts. You seem to be very knowledgeable. Diagnosed with RA years ago, but show NO Rheumatoid Factor in tests. Did have symetrical bursitis in hips and...
Diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis about 5 years ago. Had a sudden onset of what felt like flu, but no nausea and extreme joint pain in every joint my body. It got so bad I could not turn on a light...
Diagonosed with ra and osteo arthritis. Have taken a battery of oral meds. Presently on plaquenil, methotrexate, prednisone, etc., etc. Looking into Enbril and Humera, as my pain becomes less...