I will continue to check back to this link to see if anyone else comes on and has good information in regards to my questions. Thank you so much for caring....
I accidentally unsubscribed here, not sure how I clicked the wrong link in the email. My mom had the smell, but it was related to a wound she got from not getting out of bed. I have not had that...
Thank you so much. :) Have an easy night, and I hope one day they find a cure. I have 2 sons and I pray they don't get this....
Hi I was just diagnosed with Sjogrens and I am going to a Rheumy that I am not happy with, looking for another. (New Jersey) I have dry mouth, dry nasal passages, dry eyes, dry hands and feet, body...
To determine Sjogrens as a definite, a lip biopsy is done. Often it does not show up in blood work. I walked around with it for probably 4 years until I was diagnosed. I was given every diagnosis in...
My cousin just had it done in NY but it was for Lymphoma, which we are susceptible to. I don't think we can be a candidate unless we get some sort of Lymphoma. He was connected to Sloan Katering...