sometimes ppl are so dense. my mother would want me to drive her around when I was sick and I told her that I was on meds and I was not going to risk a dwi and I sid are you going to pay my fines if...
I have 3 times in 5 months have went into renal failure and my doctor said each time the blood flow was cut off from the kidneys. he said it was caused by meds but never said which. I would love some...
I have one and it doesn't do a thing for me. it never has and i don't even bother anymore what helps me is capsian creme ...
[color=blue>I] It was prescribed to me by my psychiatrist. besides having chronic pain I also am Bipolar [/b]...
I wanted to explain something when I was in the hospital The told me I was in Renal failure because my blood work kept coming back as my kidneys were not working correctly. I went to the doctor...
I have the same problem and what works for me is drining about 6 ounces of prune juice. it works every time. I have been told it works even faster if it is heated up a little....
Hi] [b][color=#0000ff>
Don't feel to bad I used to have a doctor that did not believe some one after surgery should have anything for pain boy I am so glad she is not my doctor anymore...
No this town was over 200 miles from home because I live in a small town and I had to be life flighted. why I was so upset and crying was my husband spent hundreds of dollars on toys for himself when...
My husband said he called the nurses every day and not one of them told me he called, I even asked them if he had called and they said no!!!!!!!!!!. What was scary I was in a strange place, strange...
I am so depressed. I want to die. I will not attempt nor commit suicide becuse of my faith. but I pray for the end to come. I have been off my meds for a month now (regular doctor took me off due to...
My doctor is taking me off lithium because of my kidney disease and he is playing around with other meds. why is that doctors always prescribe the most expensive drugs arounds some of these meds are...
I also have bolar and fibromyyalga. I thought of an idea if I can get something prescribed have the pharmacy put it in these packages and the pills are listed by date and you can see if you have...
[color=blue>while] this[/color]...
If you get any closer introduce yourself. If you don't like the way I drive stay off the sidewalk Do not steal the government hates competition...
I have inoperable nerve damage in legs, (plus nerves are being pinched) I have a blown disk in lower back. degenerative disk disease in neck and back so will the shot work on me and plus I am...
I could have my husband hide them and only give me one at my prescribed time. I had a few left and last night I was really hurting and I took one and I was awfully nervous. the doctor has me on...
Last month I accidently overdosed on my morphine. i had taken a dose and forgotten and took another. I was life flighed to a major hospital. I was told that when I arrived that I had no vital signs....
Sometimes Quinine helps its over the counter. I would suggest asking doctor for some muscle relaxants. I am taking them all the time now. by the way the quinine is for leg cramps...
Be glad she is gone to me she sounds like a user and wants someone to always pay her way through life. I know that someday you will find the person you were meant to be with and she obviously wasn't...
Remember this addicts are the best liers and they will lie and do anything to get thier fix because all they care about is the drug....
[color=blue>How] [b][color=#0000ff>I] [/b]...
I have been taking oxycontin for pain but lately it hasn't been working to esp since i further injured my back. She is now putting me on Morphine and I am wondering what to expect from morphine as...
For me when I go into mania I can stay awake for days or survive on 3 hrs of sleep a night. I halucinate and very sensitive to certain noises. I also have energy to completely clean the house and...
What is really stressing me out is i am practically ready for a wheel chair and i cannot even hardly take care of myself. then i tried to pay the mortgage and the mortgage company will not accept the...
Hey love your post. I am also a jew. i know you may not believe me. I was raised as a gentile,, I found out two years ago that I was jewish and my family hid it, years ago and so I had no clue but...
Has anyone ever experienced strange odors they smelled before a manic episode. is this something to be concerned with before I am smelling a strange odor and it is similar to an odor i smelled before...
One thing i can say for sure i miss my manias because my house was never so cleaner. I was clean and organized. now my house is a disaster...
When my bp acting up. i will stay awake for days, have tantrums and then I start hallucinating and doing weird things like my doctor (my regular gp) said i had called the clinic and was saying things...
He is on meds, he takes citalapram and he has been diagnosed with ADD. I thought that add was more of a learning disabiolity. he actually gets psychotic and is a danger to himself and he...
I have bipolar but have wondered for awhile if my husband could also have it but in another form. 1. he gets depressed allot and will lock himself in a room for sometimes days 2. sometimes he is very...
hey relax, a BP does not need a lot of stress. I understand where u are coming from. it is a chemical imbalence in the brain unfortunately society likes to label people. it isn't so bad taking meds...
Hey when Ii was first diagnosed my doctor put me on 3 meds and i had major problems. I was breaking ouut in hives and one med put me into a mania. I called my doctor immediately he put me on lithium...
10 feet even thought i am in agony. I have always had pain in legs but now i has traveled to my feet before it was from crotch to the knees. i also feel like my hip bone is coming through the skin...
You should also wash his bedding often in hot water. and keep dust to a minumum. what you should also get is a hepa filter because most stuff that sets off asthma is stuff in the air floating around...
But remember you are protected under the Disablities act if you want to fight for it. [color=red>Diabetes] all that damm work went down the toilet. While my husband was at Wal-Mart they would work...
Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a...