From what I've read Depression is very common, it's the down cycle, while euphoria and/or irritability would be the other end. To be safe though you have to see a doctor. That's the only way to be...
Thank you Serafena, that's a hard pill to swallow, but I will....
"anyhow, i just wish when we are in the mist of the tornado/twisted fog that I could remember that this is just another knot that will in time be unraveled in our relationship" This strikes a chord...
Thank you so much, hearing that really helps a lot. I don't know why the feeling of being alone in all this is so over powering....
Hello all, after 17 yrs of symptoms and doing nothing about (the world was broken, not me), I lost the love of my life, and finally it hit me, I may have a problem or two. I was diagnosed recently...