cured4real, Your post was the most encouraging I have ever read. I have had elevated liver enzymes for about 15 years. I am 44. I do have celiac disease and they seem to get worse when exposed to...
about 7 years ago I became very ill in my late 30's. I had elevated liver enzymes, edema, was overweight, palpiations, and thought I was dying. The doctor did not test me at first for Celiac because...
Our family can't stay on this roller coaster anymore and need help. My niece has been diagnosed for 4 years with bipolar. She can not stick to anything anyone tells her. She is convinced she doesn't...
Glad to hear it's nothing more serious....
I have no idea of the cause, but the molepaste or itworkspaste should remove them with only one app....
yeah, unfortunatley, my insurance ran out but my doctor did say they didn't look suspicious. I went on ebay and over 900 people gave positive feedback, for both molepaste and itworkspaste but I don't...
I was wondering if anyone here used the molepaste or itworkspaste to remove their moles or skintags and how they healed from it?...