Hey, I haven't been on in a while but I am having an extreamly difficult day. The last week has been horrible and I'm not sure what to do. I felt that I was starting to feel better, but now I'm...
I am so overwhelmed! My separation is really taking its toll on me and I'm not sure how much longer I can do this. I finally got a lawyer and while I feel better about having someone to protect my...
Hello, I have 3 tattos. The one that I got on my lower back is of a sunset/sunrise. I like it because depending on your mood/perspective it can be one or the other. I have a cherry tree on my...
Welcome, I am very new to the forum myself. But not new to Bi-polar. I know that it is a mixed blessing when you are first diagnosed. I felt like "Finally, I know why" but I was also scared and...
THank you for all of your kind words and support. I do have a support system in place but it is very limited. Most people don't seem to understand bi-polar disorder. The supports that I have are...
I'm feeling pretty bad right now and have been since March when my husband and I split. I'm tired. Most days I wonder what the point is. My psyc asked me the other day if I felt that there was a...
I see a psyc every two weeks and am on a variety of meds, unfourtunatly we have had a very difficult time finding a combination that works for me. I currently take Lamictal and Ciprilex (not sure...
Hello, I am new to this forum, and new to the world of online support groups. I was diagnosed 8 years ago with bi-polar disorder and have stuggled through the years following. I am having a really...