Okay, I'm bipolar and I know I am. But I'm in the process of diagnosis. I've been manic for a few months now, so OBVIOUSLY I am prone to doing stupid/illegal things. I'm sick of how long its taking...
I shouldn't, but I love mania. I do I do I doooo! I have so much funnn. And I love how creative I get when I'm manic....
Ugh where do I start? :| I was manic almost all the time when I was 13-16 and I did too many 'crazy things' to count! XD Drink, drugs, partying too much, way too hypersexual, stealing and generally...
Ah I'm not on meds..yet. Things are very confusing right now. :S I had a lot of problems with my last psych because she just would not listen to a word I said (sure she hated me :@), and I've only...
So I've been bipolar since I was very young, I know that for sure. And I've ALWAYS been so much more up than down - then about 3 years ago my mania got very severe and for a few years I was totally...
I don't : | I really don't cope. I'm type 2 and my depressive episodes are REALLY long lasting and severe. I get so paranoid and anxious when I'm depressed, I'll usually end up having a panic attack...
I'm not sure...When I'm depressed it always SEEMS like mania is so much easier to cope with and I miss it, but I know its not really. I do horrible, horrible things when I'm manic. There are times...
Awww, I know how you feel. When I'm manic I blurt out stupid things, sometimes very inappropriate or hurtful things - and then when I sort of come back down I realize what I said and I feel...
Welcome! Aww, I totally understand -hug- ! I also swing between being depressed and what I thought was 'normal' for me - because I don't have very extreme manic episodes either. Its sort of hard to...
Aww its sort of reassuring to read that some of you have problems connecting to people like I do...I've also always felt there's something 'wrong with me' that stops me from being able to make...
That sounds like me and I definitely can't have PTSD. So yeah I'd agree, it sounds more like rapid cycling....
I'm seriously terrified about that :| I want meds because I can't cope with my moods, but I only recovered from anorexia last year and I'm still very unstable..so if the meds make me gain weight I...
I quit a few months ago. I'd tried SOO many times by cutting down slowly, that never worked. What finally worked for me was just stopping completely. The cravings were gone in a few weeks, whereas...
I know exactly how you feel, especially about how it makes it worse to be remdinded what feeling happy is like, then all of a sudden its gone again for no reason..but it does always come back...
I know, it really is like someone just flips a switch :| I hate afterwards when I feel 'normal' again, and I just realise all the things I just said and how crazy I must have seemed. Ahh, 1 week to...
Ha I'm still confused about it. I get ALL of those symptoms of mania you listed, but I find it hard to beleive. I don't know. Most of the time I feel GOOD (apart from the angryness, of course) when...
Hmmm I can't say that differentiating like that works for me, as sometimes when I'm pretty ceratin I'm just hypomanic and not manic, it definitely feels bad. Like RIGHT NOW for instance! Just about 2...
And I was wondering, how on earth do you tell the difference between mania and hypomania? And when you were all diagnosed, what did the psych ask you about ? Like, what exactly happened? I just want...
Ahh, thanks for clearing that up, Bill! I was wondering what the hell was wrong with me, my heart keeps beating so fast that I start shaking! Was a bit worried but not so much now, haha. Yeah, I do...
Ahh I see! I'm glad you finally found the right solution C: I don't really think I get full manias, just hypomania. At least I think so! But my depressions tend to be very severe and long lasting. I...
Thanks, yeah, I actually sort of really enjoy the hypomania - its like a break from the depression. And I just feel so creative and have so many ideas when I'm like this, its fantasic for my art C:...
Thanks, you all seem so nice here :D Tainted, I know exactly what you mean about not having the right terminology to describe how you felt before you knew you were bipolar - now that I look back I've...
I've had problems with depression since I was young, about 11. I'm currently diagnosed with severe depression and an anxiety disorder, and recovered from anorexia nervosa last year but still struggle...