VIEW IMAGEWell i attempt taking all of my pills end up in the psych ward for a week and it truly was the place i needed to be all along. they changed my medsi was on lamictal celexa and...
I just want to update everyone I am feeling much better went and found some important friends who were able to pull me thru my darkest....
There has got to be a better cry for help then attempting suicide right. You shouldn't have to go that far for the damn docs to wake the Hell up and do there jobs. I'm so frustrated so angry so tired...
I feel like I lost a part of myself. Yes I'm stable or as stable as stable will be but I'm empty. Just a ghost of who I was. Does it stay like this forever?...
Also alcoholism is passed on genetically as well so the chances of someone getting both the alcoholism gene and the bipolar gene are very high....
Is there anyone who has found the right med combination and is normal?? I can't take this anymore and neither can my loved ones. I just want to give up....
What does a manic girl do on Sunday night. Well the sane counterpart who is supposed to say let's go walk the mall or play your keyboard decided we should go to the casino. Ugh! Why be sane when...
I wed reading your post and thought it was mine. I posted almost the exact same concerns and situations. It is very hard to leave a relationship or to stay in an unhealthy one. You have to decide...
Um. I probably wouldn't stop taking the citrolpram prob not the best idea til u have a counter active med. The only thing it will do is make u a hypomanic. Not so bad considering the alternatives. If...
What your supposed to say is "no" it is never safe to drink on your meds it can cause serious reaction and it is a depressant. What you want to know is if you have a beer or two you'll be fine but if...
I can feel the darkness coming again. I hate this I just wanna isolate myself and cry. Why does this keep happening? I must have been a really awful person in a past life or something cuz I know I...
Okay this is kind of funny kind of frustrating. I'm just wondering if anyone else gets hiccups when they get anxious, overwhelmed, or excited??? I cant get anything past my boyfriend cuz every-time i...
So Ive been reading this book Welcome to the Jungle by Hilary Smith. It is excellent easy to read hilarious and in depth explanation of bipolar and its havoc....
Thanks you Bill. It didn't turn out so bad after all I have the hardest time trusting myself these days but I really am doing great. I saw a drunk man w obvious issues making a big scene in Morton...
So I'm not sure how this is gonna all play out but here I am. One week on yet new meds downtown Nashville, TN, Saturday night, someone to foot the bill and very very fresh outta mixed episode Hell....
I don't mean to laugh but your post was very descriptive and familiar. My prof had me take the Lamictal in the am because it is known to cause lucid dreaming, night terrors, and insomnia during the...
So i started out taking tegretol and celexa and ended up have some psychotic imaging and thoughts. That isnt me not the kid of person i am i have been all over the place and hurting the people i...
Since I am currently spinning I suppose what I say will be very truthful. There isnt anything that you can do that is going to be right at the moment. Just know that her heart and her brain are two...