I am on amitriptyline 50mg and my heads and feet are feeling funny and my eye keep going in and out. i call my doc who gave them to me but haven't hear any thing should i go to a reg. doc or should i...
I don't drink all the time but every once in a while i do like to go out with my friends and have a few. I have had a few drinks while i was on lamoTrigine 200mg and i got buzz but nothing to bad but...
i am doing tons better been able to sleep and keep up with my house work and kids i so hope this good feeling last for a while.. thanks for caring it mean alot to know people cae melissa...
sorry i should of put it was 2pm so that why he was so mad that i hadn't got out of bed he try very hard to understand and when he knows he getting upset he walks a way or gose somewere because he...
the other day i had the worst day of my life it started out i couldn't get out of bed and my husban came home at 2 and the kids were running around and i was sleep he got mad and told me to get up...
Hi i am 29 years old and my dad has ms. When i was little he was fine and then when i was about 9 he couldn't walk for about 2 year then one morring he had to go to the bathroom and he got up and...
Is there any vitiamin are other things you can take to impove the way you feel are give you more energy help you not get sick help you remember things better with the meds i am taking....
i just went to my doc to day and she gave me amtriptyline 50mg. I am on gabapentin 300 mg twice daily and lamotrigine 200mg do thing these are good meds to be on together and has anyone had bad...
Hi i have bipolar, i am 29 year old and a stay at home mom becasue i can keep a job. I'm married to a great guy and have 2 boys 5 and 3. I have been dealing with depression and anxiety since a was a...
i know about the social security i going though that now they will tell you no the first time they do everone but i would get a lawer right a way because doing it on your own sucks i try it 2 times...
Hi i have bipolar and i also have 2 little boys i am a stay at home mom and most day can't get out of bed my doctors think it would be good to set goals for each day. my house is all way a mess and...