Being on a whole bunch of meds can be scary but the way I see it is I would rather be well from a BP pov and risk having side effects than unwell and in and out of hospital. If you are regularly...
I am sorry to hear you are struggling with this. Surgery could be an option, esp as your medication ones are limited. If you were referred to an orthopaedic surgeon they would be able to advise you...
If I am awake Friday night can I please join in as well as Sat, if not no worries Cracked xxx...
Ignore me figured it out, was having a blonde moment hehehe Cracked xxx...
Thanks hon. Am I being dense - are we to discuss it here or is there another thread to discuss it in that I am missing? Cracked xxx...
You still on for tom? Cracked xxx...
Hi Jade, I am here and will be online at 9am Sat london time Cracked...