Right. A defaulted loan might not kill me. But it makes it IMPOSSIBLE for me to get anywhere to live. With no credit, options are EXTREMELY limited in finding housing. The 3 months worth of deposit I...
Oh and tortoise, I already cut down on ALL expenses months ago. A year ago, in fact. The ONLY utility we have is electricity. The internet is being "borrowed" from a neighbor. We don't have tv,...
Just to clarify the point about losing the baby: I have NO HELP from family, so being criminally charged would mean that I am not fit to care for the child and there is no other available parent or...
Just wanted to give an update: There is no help from NYS. I went into social services yesterday. At the desk I told them I needed emergency assistance or temporary assistance and possibly daycare so...
Hello. Background: I am a 25 year old new mother with a 7 month old baby. My husband is 24. We live on Long Island in Nassau County. My husband recently started having severe issues that can best be...