michael, i went to the website and heard you're songs. you are a very tallented person! i wish i had the natural abitlity to have music come to me as it surly has come to you. i am schitzoaffective...
i suffer from migraines sometimes 3-4 times a week, today's was hell. i don't take anything for them, well, because i don't know what to take. the over-the-counter drugs don't touch them, and have...
Elli, thank you for ur concern. my pdoc appt isnt until next month, but i think ur right, maybe i should call him tomorrow. the only problem i might run into it he might be out of town (he's forever...
i absolutly hate my disease!! i've been on a downward slide for a while now (and for a rapid-cycler) like me, when i'm on either side of the spectrum too long, i feel as if it will last forever. i...
welcome to the boards lyric. i suffer from migraines as well. i would definatly tell the doc about it. Believe me, i am not a dr, so this is only a suggestion of what it may be. (the migraines) may...
Thank you, Putter for answering, and for letting me know that i made some kind of sense. Being confused, or confusing others is yet another stepping stone to feeling like i'm litterally going crazy....
I recieved a notice in the mail today that as of jan 1, 06 my medicaid will not be paying for my rx's. Apparantly I have to pick a medicare plan, and i am so stupid when it comes to these things. I...
Thanks for the concern Ellie. I'm on my way to feeling better, getting there anyway. The 20 hour nap came after a severly manic episode within i didn't sleep at all for a total of 5 days. I have been...
hello jaded, i want to say welcome to the site. I've only been on for a little bit, but i can tell you that there are some very kind, and knowledgable people here. I'm am also a rapid cycler, and...
Thanks Ellie and Sandra, for your comments, and for just remembering me. i have this fear that everyone i meet, just disreguards me. been that way for just about ever. anyway, i did finally get some...
I don't know if anyone remembers me, I was on here a bit ago, but I guess I can reintroduce myself since i feel like I'm new here again. I've actually been dxed as schizo-affective since 94'...
they said that it was on hold because of my medical card. the state put it on hold because they are waiting on a change of address for my MC. i cant believe that, that's absolutly rediulous.!! it...
It seems like so long since i've been here, but in reality its only been a week or so. i've been rapid cycling like crazy lately and its driving me up a tree. my refil for my meds are on a hold for a...
Crying, screaming, going insain Trying anything to numb the pain Heart poundin, hands shaking Smiles and laughs I just keep faking Mirror, mirror on the wall So brutally honest thru it all Do you...
/community/emoticons/tongue.gif Nikki i just wanted to wish you a happy birthday...! /community/emoticons/yeah.gif the last time i (read) anything from you you were way down in the dumps (but a...
i am soo sorry you're feeling down.....and you are NOT a failure. as a matter of fact i envy you. i have started and dropped out of school a few times, because i couldn't handle it. you're doing it,...
nothin new with meds, and i know it's not from lack of alcohol...i've went this long before with out it, and never had this reaction. tried to call pdoc this morning, and he's out of the country (he...
my hands are shaking like crazy and my insides feel like their in a blender. have absolutly no idea what's goin on......kind of scared actually. it's not a panic attack..i know that... and i can't...
welcome emily :) unfortunatly i have not had any experiance with those meds, i have had many others its been my experiance (only 1 persons oppinion) that it is very hard for ppl who don't have BP to...
Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better! :) yes, in the beginning i was agoriphobic (sp). couln't stand to even look oustide, much less open the door. from there it got much worse before it got...
Hey Shannon....didn't mean to make you cry ( unless it was a good cry)...then i'll take the credit :) j/k..... just try and remember, the bottom hasn't fallen out..it's always there sometimes its...
Shannon I am so sorry you're feeling down. D*** this disease! sometimes it just sucks the life right out of ya! and i definatly understand about the shower thing...it's second nature, until i feel...
Thanks for all the kind words. This morning isn't too bad, the animals here are getting on my last nerve (and i've got 2 more days to go...argh!) I had a dream last night that i was back in the...
I know it may seem bad now, but it isn't you at all! and i would suggest trying to get another councler/therapist. there are good ones out there, i promise! maybe you can try and do some research on...
thank you nikki, you guys have made me feel at home, and i appreciate it more than you know! but of coure, maybe you do. i've searched for so long for ppl who understood me, and what i have went thru...
Ok, ok....i changed my name. sometimes its just so easy to believe the bad stuff. especially since my self esteem isn't so hot. my councler is great (every 2 wks, not 2wice a week)....and she would...
Thank you very much for your reply. As far as the name goes, yes that is what ppl used to call me alot. (mostly because of the arguing i used to do with the voices in my head) I am 30 yrs old, and...
i am schitzoaffectiv (bipolar, scitzophrenic, panic disorder,ptsd,) pretty much have the lot of them. i take lithium, ativan, trazadone, and seriquil. right now my depression is kicking in. i'm away...