Hi Mike, Your story is very similar to mine, I was extremely active, a performing musician and very spur of the moment until my first panic attack which is what you experienced. I would like to...
I use this analogy in my self talk during panic attacks. First and foremost I eliminated the phrase "panic attack" from my vocabulary because if you think about it, its a scary term. Second... During...
Hello all, I have had panic attacks for 5 years now and I know all of your symptons and fears and lack of will power. I wont mince words here, a panic attack is very real and extremely frightining...
I had the same problem, 3 month wait to see some is ridiculous and the insurance hoops were a nightmare, arrgh. This condition should be given more priority than it is....
My psych diagnosed me with bipolar after about a year of seeing him. I currently am on 100mgs of zoloft 1 year now, and he also put me on 50 mgs of lamictal, 6 months now. I dont know why, but my...
Since my first panic attack at age 44 I have found that it is impossible to explain to people how this affects me. I know that before my panic attack I would have been that other person. I have...
Anxiety is like the neighbors yap dog....
The mantra I only use is... If you face it, it can not hurt you. I used quite a few but it only got confusing and made them less believable. Belief is a powerfull tool....
I am living a bad nightmare and i want it over with. I’ve gone from fearless to the other extreme....
The pure beautity of was once has been is still the struggle and the goal......
Hi Reesa, You can try contacting the company who makes the medication you need, sometimes they offer free medication for those of us who cant afford it. Give it a try, what can you lose. Chapstick....
Hello everyone, I am on my 4th week and I am still getting better, I have my bad days but there nowhere near what they used to be. I really wish all of you the same and remember that all things come...
Well I am on my 3rd week and taking 50mgs. I am starting to feel different in a good way, my concentration level is a lot better and I am having less anxiety. I had to take a detour driving the other...
Hello again, Thanks for the post Fibro... I am on week two with lamictol taking one 25mg a day and will be starting to go to 50mg monday. As I stated in my last post I still think it too early to...
Hello, I am no doctor but his alcohol abuse is 99% of the problem. Even if he went on medication you can not drink and use meds with any results at all. I used to be a alcoholic and I lost a...
Hi Ashley, I am on my 5th day and I am still here with no rash signs :) I feel good but it could the ole mind thing that wants you to feel better. I have noticed one thing after only 5 days, I am...
All the dreams you planned Just sand castles washed away on tidal waves of tears, fears overpowering. Your complex dreams just slither down drowning in rocky pools, or smashed and dashed on peril's...
Thank you Ashley for sharing your life on hold with me. I would like to give you something that helps myself out every day. As we know the mornings are very painfull sometimes and without sounding...
I guess I have most of your symptoms but not as strong and minus the suicidal feelings. I have the highs but I dont consider them overwhelming and I tend to sleep to much when im depresssed. I think...
Hi Ashley, I am starting out at 25 mgs a day for 2 weeks and then 50 mgs there after. I did'nt hear about the detergent or skin products change, hmm. As far as having mild bipolar I am still figuring...
My psychiatrist precribed me lamictal for mild bipolar, I am also on 100 mgs of zoloft for my panic attacks. The zoloft is working great for the anxiety and my question is how will the lamictal make...
Hi Psychnurse, I still have anxiety attacks on the 100 mgs of zoloft but their not as bad as before I went on the medication. I used to be on 200mgs of zoloft 2 years ago but the side effects were...
Hello, I have a question for this room. My Phychiatrist wants to start me on lamictal, I am currently on 100 mgs of zoloft for anxiety and panic disorder whitch I have had for 6 years now. He...