Hi all, I am bipolar and was advised by my psychiatrist to get off everything during pregnancy. I was on Wellbutrin, Lexapro, Neurontin and Trazodone. I am only in the first trimester and completely...
So I am bipolar and was advised by my doc to get off everything during pregnancy. I am now pregnant and I am utterly depressed. I am not sleeping due to being off my meds and cry all day everyday...
I am sorry you are having a hard time. Please take the advice not to stop taking meds, don't give up something will work. I to am bipolar and regularly hate who I am, but at these times I write a...
Hi, I to have depression. Yes I do get down for no apparent reason. Sometimes it just slaps me in the face. The meds I take are helpful, but that doesnt mean I dont get down here and there. Its too...
Hi Nathan, I am a rapid cycler. That means every month or so I cycle very fast daily. Up and down, up and down. I am looking for a new med to decrease this. I was on remeron for awhile and didn't...
I used to cycle rapidly to. Now every couple of months. Shopping was my mania as well and my debt escalated. Now I just fight the urges and when I feel that way I just try and stay home. bluejude...
I take Wellbutrin, Neurontin and Trazodone. Thinking of adding Remeron back because it helped with sleep and decreased my cycling. Which I have back every couple of months. Good luck!...
I used to do the same thing to my boyfriend. I didnt want him to see me so miserable. I felt like I was making him miserable as well. He didnt listen though and has stuck around for 11 years now. I...
Thanks for the replies. Does melatonon really work. Is benadryl ok to take with other meds? I have a new doc's appt. tomorrow hopefully she will be better. I am thinking of going back on Remeron. It...
thanks for reply. just got so frustrated. i need sleep u know makes me cycle if i dont and that causes mania and anxiety attacks. bluejude...
I am bipolar at 29 and was diagnosed years ago. Spent these years experimenting with different "cocktails". I am now on Wellbutrin and Neurontin. I have tried Trazodone, Ambien, Lunesta and Dalmane...
I am a new member and I have been taking 2400mg of Neurontin for a mood stabilizer for years. It works, but I still am a rapid cycler and have insomnia. My doc said it would help with the sleep but...