HI I feel a littel bit better today have been to the beach and walked and sat for a while and to be honest im tierd exhausted but feel a little bit more human. It was nice and relaxing thats the...
i wish there was more people can do but im lost in this voice thats in my head its so strong, i have to d it tommorow. I have to go to the sea and be calm with the wind in my hair and the win blowing...
thankyou so much they are greatly welcome. Im so so sorry newwie...
My mother well she never seemed to love me i know she does but not in the right way I cant phone 999 i dont feel likei need to im calm and sleepy right now and have my plans for tommorow they say you...
Feeling lower than lower today, actually phoned my h.v as i was worried about myself but couldnt come for hours, she did come and that was great but i felt like i coud talk but the words wouldnt come...
/community/emoticons/mad.gif Hi Im so sorry that i have concerned you thats the problem with this illness i always feel guilty as i have made you spoil your day and intruded into your thoughts. But...
Hi Thanks for that i so wish i could feel it but im sorry i cant feel anything i feel so numb i need to get away from this place its like a life with no exsistance no connection im so lost...
Hi Still dont know what to do with myself struggling every day and not sure what or where to turn. I so miss my h.v ben here as she is away for a week it dosnt sound much but its such a long time for...
Tonight im feeling really low and desperate and so wish i had someone to cuddle me and listen to me and be here for me and really care. I wish te only thing i wish for is to spend a weekend with...
Hi Thanks guys i really apprecaite the time you have taken to fill in and return my post. I didnt think it was bragging either deb it is nice to hear that you have done so well and im glad for you...
Hi The darkness is fully on me today and raining outside doesnt make it easier it seems to bring it worse like the tears that fall down my face or should be. h.v to anyone that doesnt know stands for...
Hi I am thirty years of age and have a daughter. I was originally diagnosed with postnatal depression and have suffered for three years with this and battled through med after med. I have recently...