Have I said something wrong again or am I being paranoid? /community/emoticons/confused.gif ...
Warren, where could I possibly start? A brief history might suffice to clear some of the confusion on this end. You are indeed older than myself, a mere sprog at forty, but with no intention of...
Rosie- once again I find myself saying sorry. Sincerest apologies that you think I doubt your concerns or genuineness. Simple answer is I don't. This forum to me is something that probably already...
The only two people I need to address this to is the 'pretty but thorny' and 'rabbit home'. I am in a quandary because I like peoples company but I don't like people. It probably makes me second...
My apologies to all concerned. Ironinic really since I've not been added to the forum. I could have sworn that I was honest at the outset. Maybe I should have stated that I am somewhere between...
So how should magic spring from this nothing I asked myself. And nothing spoke to me and said "Numb. Sleep." So I was. And I did. But I woke and felt swindled of time and words. And nothing spoke to...
Hello there! I don't have a diagnosis other than the depression and am not in the slightest bit interested in attaining one. Closest description that I could apply to myself is rapid,rapid cycling....
I was complaining about being a typewriter and you bring poetry into this! Hats off to you DRY. On that particular subject I prefer wet. Poetry is a wonderful thing so stick with it. Mine sucks. So...
Thanks once again for the replies. Not sure what I have to say at the moment because it would probably sound rather mundane-stand by for cynicism- whats the point of writing..Hmmmm....typing? Writing...
Ever felt like fate takes too much interest in you- in a sadistic capacity- or is that paranoia? Thank you Warren for the RAF slant. 21 years as a submariner I have some empathy. Rosie, no you don't...
[b] it!! Situational report and internal analysis in one fell swoop. Oh, by the way, I'm new here. Did I need to say that? Any of it? I can't work out if I've joined this to find out if I'm really...