I didn't have any symptoms. I went for my yearly mammogram and was called by my Ob/Gyn that I needed a follow-up mammogram and possible ultrasound because issues were found in both breasts. The one...
I don't know anything about a blood test being able to tell. I had my biopsy done last Friday and found out yesterday that it is benign and called fibrocystic changes. Not sure what that means but I...
I, too, had a benign calcification biopsy but that was 2 years ago and here I am again going thru another biopsy because calcifications were found in the same breast only in a different spot. I am...
I was called for the 2nd time in 2 years that microcalcifications were found in my left breast. I had a diagnostic mammogram done and it remains suspicious enough that I am going in for another...