Hi there Grams4, Just wanted you to know that if ever you need to talk and just chew someone's ear off i am a very good listener and check in here regularly.... I may not be ridding the same wave...
/community/emoticons/tongue.gif Just got the news a few hours ago that my results came back a cystic abnoma in other words i am cancer free this time around!! *celebrating, crying and thanking the...
2 days left before my core biopsy... not looking forward ANY of it. Want to reschedule...(not going to) But man do i want to. Good support systems are a plus, i just wish they could have aspirated...
Hi there, Yes sore breasts of any kind this day in age is enough to set anyones imagination and worry running. Oh, by the way nice to meet you I am QB, 24. You have every right to be frightend...
Core biopsy and i am down to two days before i go in and i am just scared outta my head because the first was supposed to aspirate it and they couldn't get a darn thing out of it, but in or to catch...
/community/emoticons/nono.gif Lori, I don't wish to be argumentative, but i must restate the fact that the lump that has been detected in my left breast was only detected through a mammogram. The...
/community/emoticons/nono.gif I don't believe age has not a darn thing to do with your chances of testing positive/negative for breast cancer. My mother and her mother both had it and both were...
Well, I am 24 as of 2 days ago and just found out that the first biopsy of what should be just a normal cyst in a large breasted young lady is turnning out to be a complex cyst that is going to be...