Candy, I live in Pennsylvania. Mammography act (act 148 of 1992) required insurance companies to waive the deductible for routine screenings. I am hoping that the act will be amended to waive the...
I am aware of the difference between a routine screening and a diagnostic mammogram. In Penna. where I live there is a law that says ins. companys must pay 100% for a screening mammogram. I feel the...
There is a law that states that a routine mammogram for women age 40 + can have a routine mammogram once a year and the deductible is waived. We need to have that law amended to get the insurance...
We need to take action to have the insurance companys pay 100% of both routine and diagnostic mammograms. Write to your state senators regarding the Mammography Act (Act 148 of 1992). This act needs...
Please e-mail me if you agree with this situation. Thank you....
this important topic. Thank you. Bonnie...