Have any of you been checked for this condition? Have the doctors ever checked your B/P while standing ? Or heart rate while standing? This condition is linked with CFS and it has been a long battle...
Thanks Allisonc7, Sorry your going through something so similar, I go to a cardio- that specializes in dysautonomia in 2 weeks so I''ll see if thats my DX its been so long since this big mystery...
Hi, EARTHANGEL good point just had MRI re-evaluated a few days ago pituatary is normal no change in size and no lesions... I am awaiting once again for a referral from my Primary to see a cardio that...
LF1980----It wouldn't hurt to have that Lyme specialist name so yes it you wouldn't mind. Thanks maebae...
Hi . Its been alittle while since I was here... Endocrine doc ruled out adrenal problems well actually awaiting 3 more blood tests ,Catecholamines, aldestrone, renin. But from what I read it don't...
Hello again, about panic attacks I've had those for many years,along with depression this is definitely not just that I wish it was actually it would make this easier. The Lyme disease well with all...
Thank you all for the kind words and support. I did go to the doctor yesterday and showed her my hyperpigmentation and tried to explain my symptoms is more detail she got me into an endocrine doctor...
Hi, I do have Vit-D deficiency, B12 was normal 488 and with all the research I have been doing I'm leaning towards Addison's Disease.I go back to the doctor tomorrow afternoon and I have had some...
Hi, I have not been DX with MS but I can understand what your going through, I had a baby 10 1/2 months ago and have been terribly sick with many many symptoms and have been through the doctors...
Hi, Hearing a description of your wife sounds like me ....I had a 2 year old and a 10 month old and have been suffering from depression possibly postpartum depression. And it feels like an emotional...
I have a serious question about postpartum depression....I am 10 months post partum and I have been extremely ill physically mostly and sometimes emotionally. I really need to know can this illness...
Thanks for replies I will look into all possiblities Maebae...
Thank you all for your responses. Its kind of disheartening to see so many people posting online that are so ill and never getting answers .Sometimes it makes me think I just have to get use to...
and one more thing to add I have been bitten by a tick actually twice as a child...
extreme fatigue shortness of breath muscle weakness tingling head sometimes swollen lymph nodes brain fog almost always cold extremities sensitivity to lights migrain with aura sometimes balance...
Hello. I have been severely ill for many months now and doctors can't find out whats wrong with me, but none of them have asked simple questions about what possiblity could have brought this on. I...
hello all who reads this, I'm a 30 year old female 10 months postpartum.Dx with postpartum cardiomyopathy about 4 months after delivery and have recovered. But I have been extremely fatigue.Well I...