Lizzie I had a sort of similar story about 20 years ago. I was 18-19 then, and it was a very strong love story for me. Since then I got a lot more experience. I think, some men are not good at...
That may sound weird to say, but when 'my angel' questioned me, I discovered I am so exhausted that I had a hidden belief that maybe I don't deserve healing. So today I want to share good news. Very...
I had confirmation that there is a connection between cramps and menstruation again in April, but this month, my pain is nothing compared to January/February. Can't say why. Maybe Aloe Juice I am...
Hi everybody Cramps and pain kept on diminishing so I felt I am not in danger and just kept on taking my usual vitamins and minerals and Aloe Vera juice (I started the juice in begiing Februray,...
Hi everybody Not sure what I have, but an IBD, ulcerative colitis or Chronh or God knows what. on Monday only I could consult excellent Tibetan doctors (cricumsatnces allowed me to see 2, one is the...
Thanks to this forum, someone suggested last month that my irregular cramps could be related to my periods. Well, the timing was correct last month, and this month as well, so let's see how it will...
Hi Nice conversation with my beloved sister yesterday She told me she had chnaged her mind and avised me to get the endoscopie (which means colonoscopy). She said her colonsocopy showed noting and...
It seems that my sister (46) and me (43) have the same chronic symptoms, both triggered by a tropical infection. She is sick for 3 years after her sailing around the world, I am sick for 4 years,...
why this word doesn't show? Shi a tsu...
Then let us go out, for the sake of vit D!...
Yes yes, I feel guilty and I love sharing here on this forum because I can see how pointless the guilt is I feel, now, WE ARE JUST SO FRAGILE THINGS These days I just feel depressed, not only sick...
Hi I called my sister in France yesterday and we concluded we have the same symtpoms: irregular alternance of D and C, painful abdominal cramps, all triggered at first several years ago by tropical...
Thanks Yesterday I could join my mother and then my sister in France on the phone for a few minutes Also tried to see a doctor yesterday at the missionary hospital, had to wait 2 hours still couldn't...
Thank you for getting right to the point and the so practical advices I guess I have to go to Delhi now Well I have to complete some task here before I go, it may take a week or two My symptoms are...
I don't have a sweet tooth I hate sweet and since I have bad health I take care of my teeth better that before. Yet... Not only decay and constant need for new fillings, but the gums have sort of...
And, sweety Crohnie, it is not only a genetical issue. Something else triggered the process, so this something else should be fixed, or rather the process should be reversed up to that first moment,...
No gatsro near by, I would need to travel Anyway I am not Indian but French Yes It would be good to hear what triggered the whole thing, dpression, being burned out, amoebia... No answer from my...
I arrived on this forum yesterday only but find it so helpful... thank you to everybody... I can't say wheither I have Crohn or not. I posted my case on the IBS forum (what's wrong with my bowels)...
Thank you everybody for discussing this issue. Lack of sleep immediately worsen the symptoms in my case. If I have too deprive myself and wake up too early, as I wake up i feel pain in the abdomen as...
KAzbern and shawn, On the Crohn's forum, they say CD is not easy to diagnose so I wonder if I really should go to Delhi and all the whoel things, it is very impratical> They says something as well...
My lower back pain is related to muscle? I don't know. Do you say that because of the walking aggravation? One famous Tibetan doctor said so, and I tried physio-therapeutic and yoga exercises. What I...
By the way, this bacteria Lactobacillus acid. is sold over the counter in capsule as an accompaniment to many anti-biotics, to counteract the side effect of these medicine on the flora. Or do i...
Sniper I like your words on disarming hostility, thank you for that and the colour as well the yoghurt's debate and the pill, it made me laugh and laugh thank you for that - not being serious Nice to...
Hi bunny, you made me laugh so much and that's very healthy, keep on doing so, i may recover completely! But yes, I don't know much about all these new biotech although I am M.Sc in bio, but what I...
I don't know what's my bowel problem for the last 4-6 years. Surfing on the web, I suspect IBS, maybe IBD, maybe Crohn but overall sort of colitis. Difficult to get checked here in the Himalayas and...
Ok I started the food journal. Already something to mention... I did not have violent pain for the last 4 days, but just after the meal, I had one sudden cramp. It seems very strange to me, because I...
Yes Shawn, the man with crystal is strange and I don't know how reliable, although he made correct assumption saying that I had chronic leucorrhea and that had worsen my case. He checked my belly...
Hi everybody I am very frightened by all I read here although moved and thankful to see how we can support each other, that's wonderful. I am afraid because all these drugs are actually hurting as...
Hi McGut, Is your pain aggravated by walking?...
Hi everybody Can't get properly checked here in the middle of the Himalayas, but for my chronic intestine pain, cramps, irregular diarrhea, and losing weight for around 4 years with no treatment...
Ok, thanks Marsky whta's your low residue diet Her so difficu to have a proper diet... I was thinking, if I go for endoscopy somewhere, will they be able to read the result? Last year I deceided to...
Thank you I am a bit afraid to move to the Crohn's forum I'll see how it goes with the famotidine. Today a friend gave me a box of Diosmectite, which is a sort of purified clay, described as...
Thank you for the suggestion Kazbern, regarding hormonal cycle. So far I have not noticed any correlation between this cycle and the abdominal pain, wich is just irregular, but I'll track that more...
Hi everybody, It is amazing on this site to see, first of all, that I am not the only one suffering with chronic desease tthat nobody seems to understand Secondly, to see, that we are still alive and...
Back to hyper elecrosensitivity it is due to electromagnetic pollution in the environment. Many doctors don't take it seriously but the number of cases increases, including physicians themselves, to...
Hi Qwerty and ellbell, I don't have the CFS, but felt exhausted for about 1-2 years around 2004-2006, even stting was to much I would rather lay down. I was actually burned out as thy say> Too much...
Hi, it is nice to be here today. I discoverd this site today and take it as a gift, tomorrow is my birthday, I'll be 43. Now for 4 years I almost constantly have digestion problems. Unable to regain...