Cocoa123 said... I suffered from EBV, Chronic Fatigue for over 18 years with Insomnia. I had to take Xanax and Lunesta combined in order to sleep and then Ephedra and coffee to stay awake during the...
Good morning, I done some heavy lifting yesterday, I somehow managed to push through the fatigue. So far, this morning I am not too bad compared to what I normally am... sticking to my diet seems to...
Hi Caren, I suffer badly with memory loss and disorientation caused by M.E. Sometimes, I forget how to get home from town on a bad day. I am interested in your diet, you said it is healthy - could...
Just to add: Supplements which I couldn't live without: Wheatgrass Krill or Salmon Oil Glutamine Leucine Powder or Pea Protein Isolate Matcha Green Tea (not too often, high caffeine)...
Well, sorting out ulcerative colitis was really easy.... ... just kidding, it was one of the most arduous things I could've ever imagined and it took 7 years of persistant learning/failing but once I...
I haven't been on here for quite a while, I have been VERY busy trying to find a way of conquering ulcerative colitis, learning everything I can and ignoring any misleading information through trial...
There is a good conversation starting on this topic, but please don't let anyone turn it into an argument. I will say that; Kiolm... you need to consider your food choices if you do want to finally...
Bed-time now, another important factor... don't forget to get enough sleep guys and girls... Good Night!!...
I have been on this diet (not completely the same because of money issues) for quite a few weeks and I feel great. It's hard not eating sandwiches though to be honest. As for the HFCS, I really hope...
Thanks for the replies... As for the juicer... this one is cheap and AWESOME:...
Right guys, I need some help making the perfect healing diet. I don't care what doctors say - it IS possible to get into complete remission for life if one can be strict enough. Add things if you...