Dear Brynn, off the top of my head, I was thinking of possible things to help with side-effects.1. Talking to your doctor/anesthesiologist to see if any other drug options that might have less chance...
Hi Brynn, hope you are feeling a little better at a time from your chronic pain intervention. I am not doing well and when I am like this I just like to isolate. So happy to see your response I felt...
Dear Brynn,it means the world to me that you are keeping in touch with me. I have never ever networked on-line about health stuff(I had a friend for 10 years on a phone list for IC but she got well,...
Dear Brynn, Please never worry about not responding immediately as all of us here are in the same boat regarding coping with unpredictability of symptoms,etc. due to on-going health challenges. I am...
Dear Brynn, I hope my computer doesn't lose this reply as it did last time I tried. I just wanted to again thankyou for your warm welcome and tell you it felt like water to a parched and very...
Dear Brynn and others here, One of my greatest challenges of recent years has been isolation, how to connect with others in a positive and affirming environment on a consitent basis. As probably a...
Dear Brynn and others, I am very very glad I have found this site. I am looking forward to contributing here as much as I can (within healthy for me boundaries of energy,time,etc.). I am again very...
Dear Brynn, I just lost a long reply I tried to post to your reply. I will have to try and post again to you. Anyway, I hope you get this, and thankyou so very much for being here. Wholebon...
Hello Brynn, I am new to computers so hoping you receive this post. I am so needing to connect with others who have chronic fatigue as well as other debilitating chronic illness. I have had CFIDS...