I can't say this strong enough, you must speak with a doctor, actually you MUST be seen by a doctor. your symptoms are serious, not something that can wait. no one should be bleeding from an orifice...
Thanks so much for answering, i won't be able to take anything by mouth for a few days and obviously need to have a substitute for my regular pain med in addition to controlling my surgical pain. the...
thanks so much for the advice, i'm pretty ignorant sometimes in computer lingo and how to do simple things, like cut and paste. my daughter is always yelling at me to become more computer literate....
wondering if anyone has had surgery for something other than a back problem and was already under pain management for their back and how was the surgical pain managed. especially if you're on large...
I've been seeing a pain management group since 1998. From day one the doc there said he couldn't fix me but he could give me a better quality of life and i have to say he did. they weren't afraid to...