Wishing you the very best in your up coming surgery, I waited for years until I was really, really sick before my 1st bowel resection -'89- then the 2nd in '93, should never have waited so long, the...
huckleberry - prior to my 1st bowel resection constipation was my worst enemy and very painful - I took Mirilex but also (don't know if you can tolerate because of the fiber issue) what worked best...
new member - hope you the best with all that is going on in your life, I'm a crohn's patient but deal with arthritis also from extended predizone use for illness and all it entails, but not nearly as...
check with your pharamcist for quick answer on your med, they've been helpful to me over the years - i'm a crohn's patient/37 years - also take pentasa, same dosage as you, been in remission for a...