Thanks Denise, its been 3 days now on Dexilant and I am breathing much better. Will keep using these samples, then going to the next brand and testing those out. When they are done maybe i'll stop...
I had my follow up visit, the Dr confirmed that the Barium test showed that what is in my stomach goes right up... and the endoscopy showed some mild redness on the back of my larynx and my esophagus...
For me, Protonix gave me insane hunger pains. Aciphex did the same but not anywhere as bad. If I took the Aciphex first thing in the A.M., then the hunger pains would kick in around 7 or 8 pm at...
My wife and I both work for Aetna, we have no other alternative really, with the HSA. I can't stand it, its basically catastrophic-protection. Yeah I am going to give this Aciphex a whirl but also...
So I just got back from the Endoscopy, and inquired about the Motility Study... The nurse said this has to be done first and if the Dr thinks the Motility is needed he will schedule that next....
Thanks Joy, I googled that and found different info.. one says a tube is inserted in the nose and then another in the mouth. What is involved? Can it be done during the Endoscopy or is it another...
Just got back from my consultation with the Dr, and finally a Dr that listens!!! He does think that I may have something going on with my stomach, causing my breathing issues, and wants me to go in...
You may want to look into Vibram FiveFinger shoes (if you want to call them shoes)... they help you use your feet, toes, ligaments, etc in ways that you never did before. Which in turn strengthens...
Hi everyone, couchtater - I think I am having similar issues to what you have gone through. After reading some of your comments/posts in this GERD section and in the Asthma section, I have scheduled...
Excedrin Migraine works for me if I take it early enough... I started getting migraines around age 25 and it took me about 7 years to really figure out my triggers (fluorescent lights and stress seem...
I had migraines for a few years, and throwing up was the last stage.... which completely helped. I do not know why puking helps, but I just wanted to join in on the topic. I would get a headache,...