thank you to everyone for your replies. and i think you all gave me great advice. i went to see my lung doctor yesterday and we went over just how bad my lungs are. i have kept him abreast about my...
chompers, thanks, i have not had physical therapy and i am not familiar with your meds outside of savella and neurontin. i have appointment with new pain doctor in two weeks and i will ask him for...
straydog, thanks for your response. my 1st appointment with new pain doctor takes place in two weeks. this is NYC. you have to wait forever for doctor appointment. i had enough meds left over to keep...
you'all made me smile. thank you. will try to get prescription for neurontin from someone tomorrow. marsha new pain doctor appointment is in two weeks. i will wait to start with him. and then we will...
hi, sorry. i sent wrong doctor paragraph. after requesting my records for more than two months, the senior doctor wrote that I need psychiatric help. Now there is a great doctor....
i snowbunny. i am only looking to sue for the doctor giving me all those (narcotic) meds which are contra indicated for asthma. the asthma is on all my records. the pages where it says that the...
Gee, Kathy, thank you for your response. We sound so similar. If i didn't have COPD, i would probably want to take more pain killers. But for me that is a no-no. Are any of your doctors in NYC? I am...
thank you for your responses. unfortunately i am not a fan of lyrica and neurontin. having tried them before for other issues. lyrica made me feel stoned all the time and angry. neurontin made me...
i have neuropathy in the bottom of my feet and it is getting wors4e and worse. So Painful! Feet are constantly on fire, stinging, burning, Does anyone have any suggestions for treatments? Vitamins,...
i just want to say thank you for your support. i am really grateful to you and to everyone here. i started calling lawyers today. it has been getting interesting. i was advised to wait until i see...
i thank everyone for their kindness and their suggestions. It is my intention to sue. mainly bec. all the meds i was given has led to my having COPD and now i believe my life is shortened. and when i...
okay, i just found the reply button. Thank you, both of you for the information. I will now go and do my research. My appointment with my new pain doctor who practices with my lung doctor is the...
thanks, Laura again i wish you much success going forward. and relief....
hello, my pain doctor, who has treated me like pure unadulterated crap for the last year and who has played with my medications for the last year. It has been a very stressful year with him, refuses...
thank you all for your responses. They are really, really helpful...
hi laura (crps patient) - i don't even know if i am doing this right. But i have another question. if you have the scs, why do you still have to take all those meds? thanks, marsha...
laura, I wish you more luck going forward and succcess. i am fairly new here but i have out of control pain and copd at the same time. next month i start with a new pain doctor and hopefully a...
thank you, Dani, for your kind response, Marsha...
Hello, i just joined today, this is my second post. Dr. Slomba at Beth Israel is my Pain Management Doctor and he is just really awful and i have complained to his bosses and higher because in the...
Hi, Jim and Sandi, thank you for your responses. Would you be able to tell me what pain meds you are on currently? also, do you by chance know which is worse in terms of COPD, the oxycodone or the...
in May 2006, i had spine surgery which left me with pain in my spine, nerve damage in my legs and feet, and fibromyalgia. Pain is horrible. I am currently on duragesic patch and oxycodone, lunesta...