/community/emoticons/mad.gif does anyone suffer from peripheral nueropathy ? if so , can u share info with me regarding cause , symptoms , onset issues , treatment etc , what i might expect .. i'm...
someone dear to me is nearly suicidal from suffering with chronic nerve damage effecting her entire spine . her injuries and pain don't seen consistent with the accident that preceded it . her...
/community/emoticons/mad.gif i see my rhuematologist now for thyroid care since it is fibromyalgia related . he is very understanding and would like to accomadate me . i'm have been very...
/community/emoticons/idea.gif i am starting on a course of physical therapy for r.s.d. in my clavicle and surrounding areas this week on the advice of a trusted friend . if anyone has tried physical...
thanx so much . i was kind of worried about that !!!...
dearest LongWood , thanx so much for the reply . the problem that i have r some other complications that it seems most people here seem to have so i'm certainly not going to complain . i've been very...
/community/emoticons/smile.gif i'm sorry to communicate to you this way but i see that your e-mail is blocked and i don't blame you for wanting to protect your privacy . you have given me some...
how do i talk directly to LordWood ? he spoke of some info . that i am interested in . /community/emoticons/smhair.gif ...
/community/emoticons/mad.gif has anyone ever heard of using a cervical epidural for numbing purposes to ease rsd pain ?????i've had one injection from my nuerosurgeon . even with local anest., it...
did i figure it out ? i guess i did if i got your e-mail !!! duh !!!not very nice , scaredy cat . i was depending on you moderators to be extra nice to us needy people .well, it's o.k. as long as u...
i'm sorry . i don't see the ignore button . sorry i'm so dense !...
i'm so sorry . i don't understand the instructions . a scar on my brain from the accident makes understanding very difficult . can u be any more specific ?i can't believe how fast you respond to my...
i unsubsribed to a post and now i don't know how to subscribe to it . someone explained it to me but i still don't get it . pls . give it to me in baby steps . a sxar on my brain makes instructions...
i accidentally clicked on unsubscribe to this thread . how do i fix that ?...
i'm on medicare because of ssdi . absolutely noone in my area will accept it and wont accept even a sliding scale . i feel so helpless ....
i'm currently on tramadol which better treats my fibro, wellbutrin , topomax which does nothing for my rsd but was prescriled for an odd type of convulsions with lack of muscle control for 1/2 hr ....
it's called "desensitisation" therapy where the thearpist may start you on a video game driving for a few sessions . then they may take you driving very slowly with them behind the wheel etc...i'm...
methadone made me loopy and after only 4 days i had severe withdrawal ! thanx so much . my brother -in - law suffers from chronic back pain and does use methadone and greatly benefit from it ....
thanx for the reply. . the attitude here is so nice compred to so many support groups . i really like that it is moderated . i've tried cymbalta . it was like taking sugar pills . i'm immune to all...
my trigggers as an adult are primarily cars , car noises , traffic etc....pretty hard to avoid . i only wish i could live in that st world . its bad enough that i am constantly reliving the accident...
over 20 years ago i was involved in a near death auto accident . i relive the memory vividly nealy every day of my life all of my senses are involved in the memory . i never had accident amnesia . i...
for those of u that hve a scs why do u still need strong meds as in oxy , vicodin etc..? does scs help u ? is it worth a try ? i'm scared and need to know as much as i can . i've had so many...
thanx so much for the prompt reply . i think i'll just watch for awhile to see what the other suffererers of ptsd post unless i have a gad quetion and i have many . my ptsd always has and continues...
when i was first diaagnosed i was treated with standard physical therapy that u would use on anyone recovering from frax. i had fractured most of the bones on my left side . believe it or not...
i suffer from ptsd as a result of a traumatic chilhood and a near death accident as an adult . i would like to post on this group due to the resulting anxiety that i suffer from but i don't know if...
journaling is a major trigger to my ptsd . now what ? for some reason , i feel better if i can express a few of my thoughts or feelings to someone so that i will get an objective viewpoint . if i...
i was diag. after a car accident 20 yrs aga with rsd in clavicle, chest & upper arm, places i haven't heard of except when people have entire body rsd . treatment then was archaic . ice packs!!!!!...