Thanks for that story:) really appreasiate it that someone is actually listening my gp thinks I have chronic apendisitus an can take months to burst and said its best just to get them out now, so I...
Well I went back to the hospital, because my gp sent me again saying they would get my appendix out because he's sure that they were swole and the answer I got was a period pain I was so shocked:O...
I went back to see another doctor and he sent me back up the hospitle with appendicitis and the sergon was ready take me theatre to have a look inside then the consultant over ruled at the last min...
Oh It says they're 30mg codine phosphate, and 500mg paracetamol in one tablet like....
Oh thanks for easing me I'm on 1,600mg of ibophforen and about 2,000mg of codine phosphate a day maybe m...
You say about your left side pain, I have this in my right side so so painful, I had checks they said it wasent a cyst xxxx...
I'm a seventeen year old female, and have been in severe pain In my lower right side, got admitted into hospital Monday, they said it wasent my ovary or appendix and sent me home but I no there's...