Outta: I'm sorry to hear you have so much pain that you have to wear fentanyl patch. What I don't understand is how you could run out of patches early? My doctor required me to email him within the...
Hey David I know exactly what you mean when you say you forgot how it is to be pain free. I remember before this whole ordeal I would read about people committing suicide and wonder what could be so...
And yes it's all prescribed by doctors legally. Im not supposed to take more than 14-20 a day. And that was fine for the past 3 months but now I taking more. They are 5mg so 14 is like 7 Percocet...
Hi thanks for your reply. Yes my patch is 48 hours. The patch literally doesn't work after 60 hours. The labels say the patch release certain mcg per hour over 72 hours but that is absolute rubbish...
Hi thanks for your questions. Of course I have a pm doctor. And it doesn't work the way you described. The doctor doesn't just give me 600 pills a month and say have a nice month. When the pain is...
I have the worst pain ever. My life is hell. It's difficult to manage my pain and not sleeping makes everything much worse. I'm on fentanyl patch 50 mcg and oxycodone 5mg about 15-20 a day and on the...
I dont know what you mean by where I got the information, it is quoted in many places the action, timing, and relative strngths in many articles. Even wikipedia has it:...
After extensive research, I realized that hydrocodone has a longer half life than any other pharmaceutical. Why don't some companies make a higher dosage than Norco? Like maybe 15mg/325mgAPAP? That...