6 wk post op. still having neck and clavicle pain. Will take 2 more weeks off work and hope to be much better by then. The dr does not want me to have physical therapy yet, he says this may irritate...
So I talked to my PA who tells me to limit the rom for my neck at 5 weeks postoperative ACDF and did not seem too concerned about the degree of pain I am sill having in neck and upper back and...
I am eager and grateful for your responses and support. This site rocks...
Thank you so much. I get confused about how much I should be doing while in recovery. The only po instructions are "do not lift over 15 lbs and do not turn head to the extremes and use soft collar if...
After reading these I will not push to return to work. I am out for 8-12 weeks post acdf c4/5. I am getting so restless to return but appreciate the wisdom of those who really know. I am anxious to...
Sorry for all my typos I am 4 weeks post op acdf for c4/5. Concerned that i am stilling having neck and clavicle clicks and Pain when I move and this is all very similar to pre-op I had a large...
Curious about what others experience. At times the clicking and pain in my neck and my clavicle feel just like pre op Is this normal?...