Hey Merrida, I wanted to touch base with you because I saw you responded a few weeks ago. I got hit with pleuricy which sent me in an ambulance to the hospital where they performed all KINDS of tests...
Wow...… How is it that these psychologists and doctors can not "get" their surgical skills, although technologically advanced, lead to major setbacks in areas that are not all that advanced? You have...
One more question for moderators and forum members. This question is in regard to Disability Insurance Part B which is the Physician/Practitioner's Certification. In order to claim disability unpaid...
Thank you, everyone, for helping me out today! I hope to continue keeping up with you! Lori...
Susie, thank you for your post. There are so many supportive people out on this forum that i cannot tell you how good it makes me feel to not be alone in my houghts and experiences anymore! My...
I'll deal with it tomorrow. This whole thing has caused me to give notice. After my appointment tomorrow, I'll find out why the ortho decided to take away my benefits AND make it so I make less than...
I swear i have a pole sticking out of my back right now. Isn'tthat crazy how the body tries to feel out objects? Bone grafts must have really been painful. I really cannot imagine going through this...
That $0.02 is priceless! Thank you for validating what I have been screaming to my doctor only to be told by the same (just now) that I need a neuropsychologist. At least I finally got the bloody man...
Hi Merrida, I just received a call from my ortho who wants me to see a chronic pain doc and will refer me to a respected doc here in town. My doc said he has no clue why I'm in pain but later said...
I'll keep that in mind, JP! I sat at the kitchen table asleep with a donut sticking out of my mouth after the Oxy cocktail. I couldn't breathe well and told my husband I needed help. I don't abuse...
To answer Susie's question about Gaba and Cymbalta, I take 2,700 mg (yes, that much) a DAY because of panic attacks prior to surgery and restless leg syndrome after surgery. The RLS is gone but I...
Oh how I want to wash my car, too! I cannot believe it has been nine months since it has been cleaned. My goal is to wash it myself once Iam able, and I keep fending off my husband from doing it for...
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback to me. I needed to hear from others who have been where I am so that I can get perspective. After reading your posts, I believe I am most likely being...
I am looking for someone who has the same problem I do - almost fully fused single level L5-S1 after 9 months yet when I try to return to a physically strenuous job, I experience flare ups. The...