I have a hernia and have to have surgery!!...
They still haven't called back, I called again today.. If they don't call today going to my family Dr in the morning.. She is also a personal friend and will get to the bottom of it. Will keep you...
The knot feels like a hernia, my surgeon hasn't called me back. Thxs for your reply. You can see the baseball size knot sticking out and it is very tender.....
Ok thanks!...
I had lumbar fusion with grafting and have a back incision & a stomach incision.. I hurt all the time,( not the pain before surgery) but a new pain, some people say it is the rods & screws.. Please...
I had lumbar fusion surgery in Nov 18th 2014 , which was almost 4 months ago.. Not having the pain that I was having before surgery.. but I am having a new chronic pain on the sides of my incisions.....